Guest Editorials on has introduced guest editorials from scholars and practitioners to be posted monthly in 2008. This is a welcome development and yet another great contribution of that website to private international law scholarship. Students the world over who attend universities that have limited library resources must be particularly thankful for the availability of quality scholarly work on the internet - I know I would have been in my undergrad years.
The first guest editorial was posted last week: “Trust and Confidence in the European Community Supreme Court?” by Andrew Dickinson. Mr Dickinson makes a compelling case that the ECJ should be reformed in order to compensate for what he considers to be a gap in the court's expertise in the fields of private law and private international law.


Anonymous said…
Wouldn't a law student want to read something interesting, or at least lively? Why would a law student read something like that? It's a bit dry no?

Other blogs like the legal theory blog, balkinization or blow that site away. Granted they've been around longer, but that one is not so fun to read.
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