Private International Law in Africa to the Fore reports upon the following article written by Richard Oppong: “Private International Law in Africa: Past, Present and Future” (2007) 55 AJCL 677-719. The abstract can be found here. I had the pleasure to listen to a presentation by Mr Oppong at the Journal of Private International Law Conference held in Birmingham in June. I must say that the development of Private International Law in Africa, and the necessity of a private international law revival for economic development, is a truly fascinating subject. Mr Oppong's article is published at a time when the Hague Conference on Private International Law is doing sterling work to promote the development of the legal discipline in Africa. Amongst several other initiatives, the Hague Conference recently organised a seminar for francophone African Judges, reported here. I hope to find the time to comment upon the importance of these developments more in future. Till then, I would strongly recommend Mr Oppong's article to anyone who has an interest in Private International Law and/or African legal systems.


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